Thursday, 7 January 2016

Reading and Writing

Back already? Yes, still working it, being a very good writer, and while thinking of reading, here is a link to a new anthology just launched:

There are some wonderful stories in this, and a lot of hard work put into the creation of the book. I love anthologies of short stories, and poetry. Sometimes it takes all our time to catch a spare half hour which is perfect for absorbing a tale or a poem, and let them sit in your mind as you press on with urgent missions or boring tasks…though I’m not really the kind of person who does boring tasks; I let them dissolve and do them in passing minutes on my to or from something else. Actually, I don’t often do mission these days either - my life is mostly horizontal, even when I’m writing…my bed needs me. I don’t care if the desks are neglected and suicidal from the weight of trash piled on them - they will have their day.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Eyes Wide Open

I think I can safely say that that wee devil, Procrastination, has been kicked out of my house…ah, but the act of speaking those words might have jinxed me and invited him back in. No, I’m not having it. He’s gone. I’m working, dieting, writing and organising…and keeping the flat kind-of tidy, finding homes for stuff that has been camping where it should never have been.
There are two books switching between front and back burners: Learning to Read the Tarot, and Tarot Tales - fact/fantasy/spiritual and definitely fiction…each of them holding at least 20k words, at the moment. I had a burst of inspiration the other night that will help re-shape and structure Learning to Read the Tarot so it could be ready for publication on Amazon by the summer.
Tarot tales is an exploration in using tarot cards to create characters and their stories, some of which will be linked and you will see names and places intertwine, star in each other’s sidelines, backgrounds and gossip. There are other projects underway so I can’t make any estimate about when this one will be finished…the fact that I am at it, tidying files and writing/mashing work together/at all is a constant surprise, but it’s all looking good - even to the state of my blogging!

Reading is a big time-spinner for me; I don’t watch TV but have been kidnapped by audio books and often return to the same old stories again and again - this is a habit that is being shattered as I type, even. This year, I will read more of my paper books, more kindle and close my ears - eyes are the windows to the soul, not the ears.